Category HAYLI

“I unconditionally love them”: The Band

“I unconditionally love them”: The Band, HAYLI

I need to write more love songs. The current released material depicts my ability to share my vulnerable side with you authentically and openly. But it only shows my hurt. I think that’s because hurt is easier to write about.…

Stay Disciplined – Not Motivated

Stay Disciplined Not Motivated by HAYLI

It gets hard sometimes to stay driven and motivated. Burn out is a thing, in every profession. But music? In this profession it’s not so much a physical or mental burn out, but rather an emotional burn.  Something about expressing…

Secrets: The Ambiguity In My Music

Secrets: The Ambiguity In My Music by HAYLI

If you stopped a stranger in the supermarket, and told them your life story, how personal is too personal? It’s a question that I am asked extremely regularly as an artist. It’s actually a question that I ask myself before…

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